
USA Today Calls COMPULSION a Must-Read Paranormal

Posted by on Nov 14, 2014 in Giveaways & Misc | Comments Off on USA Today Calls COMPULSION a Must-Read Paranormal

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Compulsion Named a Goodreads Best Book of the Month

Posted by on Nov 10, 2014 in Giveaways & Misc | Comments Off on Compulsion Named a Goodreads Best Book of the Month

This is wonderful news. Goodreads named COMPULSION the only Young Adult novel in it’s general list of Best Books of the Month for November. Fantasy, romance, and southern Gothic suspense mingle in this debut novel for teens, the first in a trilogy, about a young girl, Barrie, trying to escape the ancient curse that has blighted her family. Karen Hallam says, “I didn’t want to put this book down…. There’s so much sadness, but there’s hope and there’s family and feuds all rolled into a new world for Barrie Watson…. One...

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November Compulsion Giveaways!

Posted by on Nov 3, 2014 in Giveaways & Misc | Comments Off on November Compulsion Giveaways!

Is it November already? Yikes! How did that happen? I’m going to be a little bit late posting winners for October because I’m still off on the Compelling Reads tour, but I’ll get that up as soon as possible! In the meantime, here are some brand new giveaways to help celebrate the Compulsion launch! The giveaways are a little bit different this time! You can win a signed Compulsion PLUS any YA novel of your choice at the following locations: Candace’s Book Blog Page Turners Blog Me, My Shelf, and I Mostly YA Book...

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Join the Party for the Magical Compulsion Launch!

Posted by on Oct 24, 2014 in Giveaways & Misc | Comments Off on Join the Party for the Magical Compulsion Launch!

Compulsion is almost here! It hits bookstores everywhere on 10/28/14! Bloggers and readers have been so incredibly generous so far, and I’m so, so grateful! I’d love for you all to help us celebrate the big day, too! There are a SLEW of prizes in the Compulsion Prize Vault — and I need your help to give them all away! Interested? Here’s what you can do: Post the book description, cover copy, book trailer, and buy links on your blog or Facebook page on 10/28. Post the Rafflecopter for the Prize Vault Giveaway (see...

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VA Teen ’14 Festival

Posted by on Oct 19, 2014 in Giveaways & Misc | Comments Off on VA Teen ’14 Festival

My first official “COMPULSION EVENT” was at the Virginia Teen ’14 event on Thursday night at the Richmond County Public Library. Madelyn Rosenberg and the incredible librarians managed to pull off a beautifully-orchestrated and memorable event with sixteen authors and yes, a big brass band. In case you can’t imagine how hard that is, let me tell you from experience. Herding authors is a bit like herding otters, which is substantially harder than cats. For me, the event started when I got to the hotel in Richmond and...

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Loveliest of School Visits at St. Margaret’s

Posted by on Oct 19, 2014 in Giveaways & Misc | Comments Off on Loveliest of School Visits at St. Margaret’s

I had the opportunity to celebrate Teen Reed Week at St. Margaret’s School in Tappahannock, VA. Which. Was. Awesome. We wrote a story together, which was great practice for the events in the upcoming Compelling Reads tour, but I’m not sure we can do better than what this amazing group of young women came up with. And best part? St. Margaret’s has a resident ghost, the grey lady, who waits for her husband who drowned coming home from the Civil War. Naturally, she figured into our story, but with the coolest possible twist....

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Deep South Mag’s Eleven Mysteries to Read in October — Including Compulsion

Posted by on Oct 8, 2014 in In the News | Comments Off on Deep South Mag’s Eleven Mysteries to Read in October — Including Compulsion

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Compulsion for Southern Lit Giveaway from Deep South Magazine

Posted by on Oct 7, 2014 in Giveaways & Misc | Comments Off on Compulsion for Southern Lit Giveaway from Deep South Magazine

Love Southern fiction? Deep South Magazine has the PERFECT giveaway for you! Win seven wonderful books that all have something in common with Compulsion, a Fall ’14 Okra Pick from the Southern Independent Booksellers Alliance, whether that’s something within the story, within the history, or just a similarity in theme. Fill out the Rafflecopter at the bottom of this page to win paperback copies of:  Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell, Practical Magic by Alice Hoffman, The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood by Rebecca...

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Compulsion for Magic Blog Tour and Giveaway!

Posted by on Oct 6, 2014 in On the Blogs | Comments Off on Compulsion for Magic Blog Tour and Giveaway!

Hi, The incredible Katie from Mundie Moms has put together a blog tour for Compulsion that’s a little fun and different. Instead of having me talk about the book, we’ve got a lot of fabulous guest authors who are sharing their thoughts on what sort of Compulsion-style “everyday” magic they and their characters would like to have. Jump into the introduction here to find out about the prizes and guidelines. And then visit the remaining posts on the...

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Mind-blowing to See Compulsion in this Company!

Posted by on Oct 5, 2014 in In the News | Comments Off on Mind-blowing to See Compulsion in this Company!  

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