Ready to get your manuscript ready for publication? Please start by filling out the form below.
All form fields are required and must be completed before the form can be submitted.
Your Name
Your Email
Project Title
Genre and Target Market
Completion Status
How Quickly Do You Want Help?
Previous Writing/Publishing/Workshop History)
Project Description/Pitch (100 words max)
First Five Pages of Manuscript (1250 words max)
I acknowledge that I am over 18, and the work submitted is my creation
I understand that submission of the pitch and sample content above does not create a contract for mentoring. I acknowledge that not all submissions can receive feedback, that feedback can be provided only for projects that may have mentoring potential, and that, if provided, initial feedback will necessarily be limited and will not be able to cover all potential issues with the submitted project that might be discussed as part of mentoring. I further understand that submissions are read by the mentor on a first come, first served basis, and that an email will be sent to me when the submission is first opened for reading. I acknowledge that if I do not receive an email confirming reading within 10 days of submission, the submission has not been read due to delivery failure or mentor over-scheduling. I acknowledge that, if I have not received an email within 10 days of submission, it will be up to me to follow up or to submit the mentoring request form a second time.