Book Drive Nomination Form
Know an Underfunded Classroom, School, Library, or Shelter?
If you know a teacher, librarian, or library who’s working really hard to encourage reading and get books in the hands of readers without having enough access to funds to do it, use the form below to tell us about them. We’ll pick at least one, and if possible more, nominations each month to send books to. (Nominations must be U.S. only for now, sorry!) Each selected organization will receive five books, plus bookmarks, and fun things to help encourage kids to read. Of course, there’s nothing that encourages reading than having actual books to pick up.
Authors, bloggers, publicists, do you have extra books you don’t know what to do with? Media mail costs only a few dollars for five books. I’ll HAPPILY and GRATEFULLY match you up with a nomination and provide the address and nomination form if you’ll send five of those books out.