ALA Was Even Better Than BEA!

ALA was all about books and librarians — some of my favorite people. So add in the chance to spend more time to hang out with the Simon team, the opportunity to meet the amazing authors who did my panel with me, time with my sisters Shannon Greenland, Kimberley Griffiths Little, Tracy Clark, and Claudia Gray, plus the amazing Ellen Hopkins? It’s heaven. I also got to make an idiot of myself fangirling over Holly Black, Laini Taylor, Jim di Bartolo, and Maggie Stiefvater.

And I picked up BOOKS. Tons of books, which I am throughly enjoying reading. Right now, I’m devouring Claudia’s A THOUSAND PIECES OF YOU, which is flat out amazing. Put it on your pre-order list!

Me with Shannon Greenland, Holly Black, and Kimberley Griffiths Little