Win a Bag of Books and Swag for Your Classroom, School, or Library — The COMPULSION FOR READING Campaign
Posted by admin on May 15, 2015 in Giveaways & Misc | Comments Off on Win a Bag of Books and Swag for Your Classroom, School, or Library — The COMPULSION FOR READING CampaignWhat’s the Compulsion for Reading campaign?
Classrooms, schools, and libraries are too often faced with shrinking budgets these days, so authors get a lot of requests for free copies of our books. I wish we could send one to everyone who asks! Reading has been transformative in my life, and because my own daughter was a reluctant reader until a particular book sparked her imagination, I discovered how all aspects of a teen’s life can change when they catch the reading bug.
I started the Compulsion for Reading program to get books in the hands of underfunded classrooms, schools, libraries, and shelters, and I’m thrilled to be joined by other authors, bloggers, and readers who share my passion to get teens reading.
Each month, we’ll offer up as many free packs of five popular and recently published books each as we possibly can to teachers, librarians, shelter administrators, or anyone else who has a pressing need for YA literature. The recipients are nominated through the form below. I also send along incentives like temporary tattoos, bumper stickers, pins, or bookmarks to incentivize or reward teens who read. And to thank all those who put in nominations, I choose two random people per month to get one of the popular oval “I have a compulsion for reading” bumper stickers.
Want to donate or get involved? Authors, include your own signed book along with four other popular and recently published books that kids are dying to get their hands on. Bloggers, have extra ARCs or books you’d like to pass along? Anyone can donate. Please click here to learn more!
Want to nominate a school or library that needs more books? Please keep reading to find out about this month’s giveaways, and then complete the nomination form!